Aisling Dream Interpretation

Lots of Animals, Flying House, Rooster in a cage



I love the dreams on today’s show. Quirky and fun but very important nonetheless.   If you want your dream analyzed on my show, you can submit it here     Dream: Lots of huge animals Kimberly has many separate dreams with different animals that all indicate the same gift. She’s a channel.   Dream: Baby with two different colored eyes Olivia is told that merging spirituality with her earth experience is the practical way forward for her.   Dream: Mom driving the pathfinder Kate is currently healing issues around mom. Her dream shows that it is going well.   Dream: Flying house Nathalie dreams of a flying house. When going to sleep she specifically asked to know what her gifts are. This dream reveals 4 of them!   Dream: Rooster in a cage I had to squeeze this dream in. It’s also from Nathalie. You’ll have to listen to find out what the rooster is about!     Submit your dream to the show   Show Archives https: