Jill On Money With Jill Schlesinger

#MeToo, Workplace Equality and the Gender Gap



As the #MeToo movement sweeps across the world, it’s time for employers to address the issues of sexual harassment, workplace inequality and the gender wage gap. After recently interviewing two experts in their respective fields, here are some key ideas and trends that will help push the movement in the right direction:HR departments will become increasingly more independentWomen will take jobs previously held by menOrganizations will need to teach, embrace and support young men coming into the workforceWorkplace mentoring programs will be instrumental to imbue companies with a culture that supports diversityWomen who develop characteristics of assertiveness, confidence and aggressive behavior, and who know when to use these behaviors, will find more success in the workplaceLet’s stop with the talk and move to action mode...it’s way past time to address these issues. “Better Off” is sponsored by Betterment. We love feedback so please leave us a rating or review in iTunes. "Better Off" theme music is by Jo