Soul Talks With Bill & Kristi Gaultiere

Help for Doubt



Are you, a close friend, or a family member experiencing feelings of doubt? The truth is, we all have emotional experiences in life that can seem contrary to our faith. What do we do with those when they happen?Simply trying not to doubt isn’t enough. Thinking the right thoughts and doing the right spiritual disciplines can only get us so far. We also need to pay attention to our emotions and share vulnerably about our experience of doubt with safe friends and Jesus.In this Soul Talk, Kristi shares about a heavy season of doubt that she recently experienced and how she worked through it by being emotionally honest and receiving empathy. Her story will help you and the people in your life learn how to embrace and overcome times of doubt. Listen in and discover how the Lord lovingly enters into our brokenness, our doubting, and our shame to bring repair and resolution! Resources for this episode: Journey of the Soul The Soul Shepherding Network