Connie Pheiff Show

Go Long



High performing management teams apply counter-intuitive thinking to execute strategy. Each displays a high level of Execution IQ enabling them to realize the promise of their strategy. Experience with Dr. Stephen Long as he shares his philosophy that when you go long you gain in enhanced consistency, innovation, decision-making, problem solving, task flexibility, reasoning, planning, organization and execution.   Lesson Learned: Talent doesn’t equal productivity High execution will take you over 63% productivity. Strategizing for your company is like coaching a football team. Attitudes change behavior   AMAZING GUESTS * AMAZING LISTENERS * AMAZING NETWORKS   Premium binge worthy content. The Up or Out Network is reaching over 150m listeners each week. And we’re not done yet…   We can be heard on… Be sure to subscribe, you don’t want to miss any of the good stuff. ·         C-Suite Network ·         iTunes ·         iHeartRadio ·         SiriusXM ·         Stitcher ·         Multiple online networks ·