Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

231. Do hard things.



Do hard things   The older I get, the further I get away from the day-to-day life in the SEAL teams, the clearer I become on a great many things.    The older I get the clearer I see the importance of being a father, of staying alive and being attentive to my family.   The older I get the easier my reactions are to politics and threats of the end of the world and existential crisis like global warming trends trailing an ice age.   Yet something is not being made clear to our society and our youth today and social media is spanking the true hardness out of youth.  So, sit back and listen and watch or read what I am going to share.  If this pisses you off, good?  If this inspires you to act, even better?    Let me first just come out and say it, 90% of the people listening to this have No fucking idea what Hard is.  You lead a protected life and the real predators are all but killed off.  And you can go to a store and buy food or even steel it.  You don’t understand hard.   Let me tell you some truths: