Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast

RQG - Into the Wilds Part 1 (Declassified)



Join Alex, Bryn, Ben, and Helen in this very special bonus sidequest of the main campaign, originally released on Patreon in April of 2020!This week we travel to the Northern Wastes and meet our adventurers Piotr, Kwami, & Zoya!Content Notes:InnuendoAnimal deathBeing huntedDiscussions of: brief microaggressionMentions of: wolves, body horror, foodSFX: water & rain, crickets, explosion, fire, echoing voicesEditing by Annie Fitch, Tessa Vroom, & Alexander J Newall.Remaster by Cathy Rinella.SFX by kangaroovindaloo, felix.blume, Imjeax, kyles, florianreichelt, wjoojoo, Breviceps, drewhalasz, Puniho, Mozfoo, juskiddink, Lambich, RutgerMuller, kevinkace, uwesoundboiz, Benboncan, BeeProdutive, NikodemSFE, DDT197, duckduckpony, Yap_Audio_Prodution, pan14, dslrguide, Dynamicell, Breviceps, lockingdread, lsprice, juskiddink, newagesoup, unfa, RobertMThomas, IchBinChrist and previously credited artists via’s game system is Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition – find out more at https://dnd.