Dr. Bubbs Performance Podcast

S1E8 // Mental Performance In High Stress Environments w/ Dr. Doug Kechijian



In Episode 8, Dr. Bubbs interviews former Air Force "Officer of the Year", pararescueman and expert physical therapist Dr. Doug Kechijian around mental performance in high pressure environments. Doug's phenomenal background provides key insights that can be applied to so many aspects of performance, such as: the importance of mastering fundamental skills, minimizing complexity, the value of systematic progressions (no matter what your domain), the value of a single leader versus "consensus" depending on the scenario, and understanding your "worst case" scenario. Doug also answers the question "does mental toughness actually exist?" There's a lot of fantastic information and helpful metaphors in this episode that apply to all walks of life, so make sure to listen a couple of times and check out my show notes at drbubbs.com to uncover all the gems!