Wisdom For Working Mums

Your Ideal Week - How to Set Yourself Up For Success Even If You Don't Enjoy Goal Setting



I used to have a guilty secret. That secret is I hate goal setting. I really don’t enjoy it. And I rarely do it. I know it’s weird for a coach to admit right? But having a direction in which you’re heading is really powerful - I think we can all probably agree with that. The old - “if you don’t know where you’re going you can end up anywhere” - quote. So for a few years, I beat myself up about not enjoying or wanting to set goals. At times I forced myself to do goal setting but it just felt really inauthentic and incongruent. And I’ve got big dreams, hopes and intentions. So how do you create a life you love if you don't set goals??!? That’s what I’m going to be exploring in this episode. I’m going to be sharing an alternative approach if you too don’t get fired up about goal setting. It’s based on an exercise I did with my first ever executive coach nearly 20 years ago now and it’s no underestimate to say it was life-changing - and I don’t use that term lightly as I know it’s one that can be thro