Jen Lowry Writes

Special Interview with Irmgarde Brown, Author of Sister Jane



“Brown writes it all with an invigorating pace and an enjoyably understated humor that breaks through everywhere … A wise, winning story of a modern-day miracle worker.” – Kirkus Reviews   Actress/Playwright/Producer-Turned-Librarian Explores What Happens When One Ordinary, Older, Small-Town Woman Discovers She Has An Extraordinary Power – She Can Heal The Sick.    Debut Novel Examines If She Is A Miracle Worker, Demon, or Fraud – Or Whether Society Can Accept One’s Ability To Change Their Life – And The Lives Of Others.  Irmgarde Brown knows a good book when she sees one. For 28 years she had stacked shelves as a librarian. She also recognizes a good theatrical story, having written, produced, and acted in a one-woman play that toured for two years. Now she has broken into book publishing with a character-driven, plot-twisting novel that examines how society reacts to people who make major life changes and discover their true talents later in life. It also explores whether we re