Agp (amanda Gilliam Presents)

EPISODE 32 - AGP (Amanda Gilliam Presents)



On this episode of AGP, I welcome my guest Marc Alan Fishman. From the hallowed halls of the Herron School of Art (at Indiana University in Indianapolis, of course) comes Marc Alan Fishman. Graduating with BFA in General Fine Arts, with a minor of creative writing, Marc brings a loaded backpack full of talents to Unshaven Comics â?? including writing and drawing half of "The Samurnauts"! When Marc isnâ??t chained to a computer, heâ??s happily chained to his wonderful wife Kathy and son, Bennett. Marc is an admitted addict to Diet Coke and Gummy Bears, as well as a video game enthusiast, guitar player, and graphic designer. Only the last hobby pays any bills though. Folliclely speaking, Marc used to rock a mighty pair of mutton chopsâ?¦ but over time, they grew to love one another so much, they united to form Marcâ??s mighty beard. As heâ??s grown accustomed to itâ?¦ it has become the signature beard of Unshaven Comics. Marc will be joining us to talk about his latest Kickstarter: The Samurnauts: Curse o