04-13-2017 - President Assad Latest Interview

04-13-2017 - President Assad Latest Interview



04-13-2017 - President Assad Latest Interview audio English On 13 April 2017, President of the Syrian Arab Republic, Dr Bashar Al Assad gave this far reaching, logical and coherent interview with a (provocative!) western Journalist of Agence France-Presse (AFP). In particular, President Assad responds to the accusations that the Syrian government was responsible for a chemical attack against the Syrian People last week in Khan Shaikhoun. The alleged chemial attack was used, within hours, as a pretext for Tommahawk Cruise missile strikes by the US against a government airbase at Shayrat, located outside Homs. The US cruise missile strikes on Syria themselves, in international law, were unprovoked acts of terror, carried out by the US government against the government, army and people of a sovereign nation - Syria. Dr Assad demonstrates clearly that this was a totally fabricated story, stressing that Syria does not possess a chemical arsenal and that even when it had such an arsenal, it would not and did no