Podsessions With Mitch Fanning

The Power of Brand Storytelling with Mark Evans



“For fast-growing companies, marketing powered by storytelling is a recipe for marketing success.” — Mark Evans In this podcast session, I had the opportunity to speak with Mark Evans about brand storytelling, which is the topic of his latest book Marketing Spark. Specifically, how marketers and business leaders can ignite their marketing by embracing the power of storytelling to produce better results. For those not familiar with Mark, he is a marketing consultant, entrepreneur, and writer who has been telling stories for more than 25 years. He makes marketing work for fast-growing companies...and for companies that are looking to grow faster. Mark has helped more than 100 companies with marketing that accelerated their growth. Before starting his business, ME Consulting, in 2008, Mark was an award-winning technology journalist with the National Post, Globe & Mail, Bloomberg News and South China Post. At the height of the dot-com boom (in hindsight, not the best timing!), he co-founded a startup, Blanket