Fishnet Flix

Donnie Darko (2001)



For the last episode of Drewcember and this podcast season, we're doing something a little different and picking a movie where Drew isn't the lead: Donnie Darko! The movie stars Jake Gyllenhaal as a sleepwalking '80s teen who has visions of a scary rabbit man named Frank who tells him that the world will end in 28 days. Drew plays his teacher and her company, Flower Films, produced the film. Costumes were by April Ferry, who did Game of Thrones, Big Trouble in Little China, Jurassic World, the OG Child's Play, and so much more. There isn't a ton to discuss for costumes and looks but we spot a few gems! Now, if you were alive when this movie came out, you probably remember how much of a mindf*** this was...and its cool and mysterious website companion.  We'll be back in February! In the meantime, follow us on Instagram at @fishnetflixpod and TikTok @fishnetflix. DM or email your movie requests at! Don't forget to rate, subscribe, and leave a review on iTunes!