
S1E9 - Chef Julian 209: The Lie Detector



Only hit dawgs holla. Next week, we'll have a Chef Julian Recap/QCC episode and we want to include you! Use the hashtag #serieslytalkback to let us know what you've been thinking so far! You can also tweet, email or message us your answers to any of these questions below. What characters do you identify with the most? Have you ever dated someone similar to a character on the show? Do you know a Julian, Darryl, Wendy, Yasmin, Talissa or even Sydney in your life? Who's your favorite character and why? Team "Wendian" or Team "Wendyll"? Why do you prefer them together over the other? What are your predictions for the finale? What are you looking forward to seeing? ...Or ask us some questions of your own about Chef Julian or anything on your mind and hear what we have to say! Email: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: