Aisling Dream Interpretation

Feeling unworthy, heal your body and celebrate your life



We start with adding to the analysis of a dream from last week.   Dream: People in blue full of light What should you do if you feel unworthy in a dream? Let's have a look.   Dream: Hiking and Sniper at Baseball stadium Mary is happy to stay at a distance from life. That way, nobody can take shots are her. Yeah, that’s not going to work!   Dream: The powerful motorcycle Charlotta is a hands-on healer. But she doesn’t think she has this gift. The irony is that she is a medical doctor in reality.   Dream: Healing my aunt’s headache Charlotta is medically trained and is now leaning towards alternative healing methods too. In this dream she uses her own ‘alternative’ gift to heal her elimination system.   Dream: Visiting a Danish island and a lot of insects Charlotta is told she can make money from using her spiritual gifts. And very interestingly, she uses her gift in this dream to identify the issue with her digestive system and begin healing it.   Dream : The Final Test Dianne is told to celebrate her achievem