Silver Fortune

What Happens to Silver When We Can't Print Our Way Out of the Next Crisis?



More printing than you we could imagine will occur in the next 10 years. Zero Sum: A Post-Apocalyptic Economic and Societal Collapse Thriller (Civil Strife Series Book One) Kindle eBook: Paperback: Hardcover: Audible audiobook: Sign up for Audible and get Zero Sum for free: Sign up for The Silver Chartist Report, the best free newsletter in the industry: This podcast contains affiliate links to products. I may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. Any content within this podcast or on any podcast by the Silver Fortune podcast is merely one man's opinion, commentary, and analysis, or actual information obtained from elsewhere, and should not be constituted as legal, investment, or financial advice. Make your own financial decisions, or consult a professional if you'd prefer to go that route. The Silver Fortune podcast disclaims any liability for leg