Artist Decoded By Yoshino

#217: Colborn Bell - “Museum of Crypto Art”



Colborn Bell is currently the co-founder and curator of the Museum of Crypto Art (M○C△), an immersive digital art center in virtual reality. Unconstrained by the limitations of physical reality, the aim of this project is to create bridges to Metaverse spaces and usher in a creative renaissance that empowers digital artists and reawakens the imaginations of its participants. He is a long-time blockchain and venture investor. Guest Interviewer: Jesse Draxler Show Notes:  00:15:00 - Colborn’s background 00:20:54 - The Museum of Crypto Art 00:22:57 - What Colborn specifically looks for in NFT Artwork 00:25:10 - The gift of an existential crisis 00:31:25 - The ecological effects of crypto currency 00:40:40 - Crypto art breaking down traditional barriers  00:44:27 - Preserving the pure nature of art / societal shifts 00:52:15 - What a good day looks like for Jesse and Colborn 00:55:17 - The future of NFT’s  00:58:57 - M.O.C.A’s Artist Residency & M.O.C.A’s Genesis Collection 1:04:15 - Advice to artists 1:08: