

Fasten your chainmail and don a magical relic because this week hosts Cam Smith and Tony G are challenging the almighty Killing Machine by revisiting Richard Fleischer's 1985 sword-and-sorcery bomb Red Sonja. A Brigitte Nielsen-tastic adaptation of the Robert Howard/Marvel Comics icon, the film pairs the fire-maned title warrior with Schwarzenegger's Conan Kalidor, a noble barbarian who stops just short of swearing to Crom. Although considered one of the big guy's lesser efforts, is there still enjoyment to be had? And how does the rest of the cast, including Sandahl Bergman, Paul Smith and future Surf Ninja Ernie Reyes Jr., fare? Unleash the power of this audio Talisman by listening in as the duo ponder Nielsen's action heroine credibility, the agony of shrill child performances and the technicalities associated with fantasy death robots. DOWNLOAD HEREWe're also on iTunes, Google Play & Stitcher Radio!Track us via Twitter, or email us at'll be back in two weeks with