Dr. Friedemann Schaub

How to Heal Childhood and Generational Wounds with Anat Peri and Chris Marhefka



Do you struggle with traumas of your past? Do you have memories of your childhood that continue to resurface? Sam had been tormented by disturbing images inadvertently flashing across the screen of his mind for many years. Daily, he felt forced by his subconscious to watch himself being violently punished by some unrecognizable person. Sam told me that, as a child, he was regularly beaten and slapped around by his father. At first glance, it may seem pretty obvious that the violent images that tortured Sam as an adult were nothing but vivid memories of his traumatic punishments. Yet every form of therapy he’d sought to relieve the effects of these traumas had failed, and a part of Sam continued to project these images onto the screen of his mind. So how did Sam's need for survival lead to these visions? Join me, and Training Camp for the Soul's Anat Peri and Chris Marhefka to explore intergenerational traumas, and beliefs, behaviors and habits that are so ingrained that we don’t know why they are there –