Everything Co-op With Vernon Oakes

Tribute to Chuck Snyder from Co-op Community



Vernon Oakes, and co-host, John Holdsclaw, are joined by Leaders from the cooperative community to pay tribute to Chuck E. Snyder, President/CEO of National Cooperative Bank (NCB), who made his transition on November 6, 2021. Chuck was a highly respected leader who left an impression on everyone he met. Everything Co-op was pleased to provide a platform for the co-op community to express their extreme sense of loss, and the impact Chuck had on their lives, and/or organizations. Those who paid tribute to Chuck included the following people: Doug O'Brien, Roberta MacDonald, Mary Ann Rothman, Cornelius Blanding, Liz Bailey, Mike Mercer, Leslie Mead, Martin Lowery, Barry Silver, Rich LaRochelle, Paul Hazen, Mary Alex Blanton, David Thompson, RL Condra, Michael Peck, and Pat Thornton. The comments were so heartfelt, and rich we felt they should be shared, and would serve to sooth the pain of Chuck’s unexpected transition. For that reason, we invite you to listen to the show on the live stream platforms on Than