Concordia Sermons

Ask Anything 2019 - 9:30am



Pastors Tucker and McIntosh answer your faith-related questions! 1. As a Christian (Lutheran), what is the best way to respond to someone that says they are spiritual, but not religious? 2. Atheists and others say the Bible has many contradictions and mistranslations… how can we know what’s true and what’s not true? 3. Why do we pray for things to happen when God already has a plan? 4. Since Jesus said there is no marriage in heaven, what will our relationship be with our spouse in heaven? 5. What part do angels play in our lives? 6. Will God forgive an abortion if it was medically necessary? I had an emergency at 5th months and was told I needed a procedure ASAP. I’ve carried this guilt around for 7 years that I killed my daughter. 7. How can you ensure that your faith in God stays in tact when the prayers for something you want so desperately are not being answered? 8. What is the “Priesthood of Believers?” 9. Why did God harden Pharaoh’s heart? Does He still harden hearts today? 10. What is the “