Vintage Sand

Vintage Sand Episode 33A: No Small Parts



In the past, Team Vintage Sand has focused primarily on specific directors and movements in the history of film. Of course, we understand the fundamental paradox of the auteur theory (in that film is by its nature the most collaborative medium). But if we are making the case for film as art, then there needs to be an artist, and organizing the podcast around the auteurist ideas of critics like Truffaut and Andrew Sarris makes a great deal of sense. In Episode 33, however, we finally put that idea on the shelf for a moment and use another lens to focus on some of the movies we love: the importance of acting. This is a natural move for us, considering that both Michael and John are trained actors and bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to our enterprise. So join us, Vintage Sand fans, as we follow a slightly different path and focus on our favorite underloved and overlooked performances in film by supporting actors. And when you get John and Mike talking about acting, there’s no stopping them, so we ha