Cooper Brunner Podcast

#5 The Power of Nutrition - My One-Week Vegetarian Experience (Should you try it?)



if done right, vegetarians may have lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure, well below the average rates of normal meat eaters. This study also concluded that they have a lower body mass index, lower cancer rates and lower risk of chronic diseases. But let's not get this confused, in no way is this the perfect diet, but it can for sure lead you down a healthy path of eating plus give you a completely new perspective on food. The whole point of why I wanted to take on this diet was to show you guys that you don't know what you don’t know, you could have amazing results, lose or she a ton of weight and feel absolutely amazing if you try out the vegetarian diet. But let's look at this from a different lense because science may say differently about the vegetarian diet.  A vegetarian diet won't necessarily lead to weight loss. I came into the challenge weighing in at 197 on the dot and actually lost about one pound touching 196ish so nothing crazy. But one of the hardest things I had to d