Cal Chat

Ep. 11_Part 2 of 4_When I Got Busy, I Got Better



I ask Susan a question in part 2 of 4 (of Episode 11) from page 23 of the booklet "When I Got Busy, I Got Better" (P-78).  She explains helping vs enabling, we discuss a quote from page 2, how we could use the second half of the book in a meeting, and the difference between being grateful and thankful.  A NOTE OF CAUTION: this is the first episode to include EXPLICIT language, so proceed accordingly!   QUOTABLE MOMENT FROM SUSAN: "My worth is who I am – not what I do, not what I give you.  I’m worthy just because I’m me." LITERATURE MENTIONED & RELATED EPISODES: "When I Got Busy, I Got Better"   "How Al-Anon Works"  –  Episode 1: part 1 of 2,   Episode 6: part 3 of 4,   Episode 10: part 1 of 4,   Episode 10: part 2 of 4,  &  Episode 12: part 2 of 5  OTHER WAYS TO EXPLORE & CELEBRATE AL-ANON / ALATEEN LITERATURE:  Visit my "CAL Chat" blog -  Instagram -  Pinterest -  Twitter -