Body Buddies Podcast | Nutrition | Fitness | Mindset

127: PowerYourBody the Lord's Way | Mindset and Motivation



This presentation was a practice for Kristy Jo's live speaking event at "So You Don't Fit The Mold | An Event for Women" in Salt Lake City, Utah. In this episode, she will cover the following aspects of spirituality as it relates to physical health and chasing aesthetic changes. Kristy Jo's personal story of disordered eating and thinking, then rising above it all to change her life and begin Body Buddies to help others Purpose of the body and why we have one Why you shouldn't weigh on the scale frequently What is beautiful? What's your definition? What stories are you believing due to your conditioning? How media and the world's voices confuse you Internal dialogue changes that make all the difference How "Wabi Sabi" helps you accept your impefections Balance for each person will be different The power of prayer in lifestyle changes Nutrition strategies to begin making a change Fitness strategies to begin making a change How to have a house and person of order as part of the journey Awareness of the example