Body Buddies Podcast | Nutrition | Fitness | Mindset

170: 5 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain | Nutrition and Weight Loss



5 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain- Have you been hi-jacking the Halloween candy by the handful, loving on the sugar high and convincing yourself that you don’t need to be disciplined just yet? Chances are you have been eating some of the sugar that comes on the scene of every grocery store every October 1st. Whether you’ve been wise in your portion sizes or you have already thrown the white flag of surrender and are hoarding candy, I want you to think about this: Studies show that there is no answer to just how much weight gain an individual will experience during the Holidays. They do show, however, that if you are already overweight or have formerly been overweight, the struggle will be “more real” for you. In a 2000 study, 20% of obese subjects and 10% of overweight subjects accumulated greater than 5 pounds during the holidays. But even if it’s not about the scale number, I’d like to suggest that this effort to avoid holiday weight gain should be more of preventing disease (or not accelerating the condi