Ruthless Compassion With Dr. Marcia Sirota

95 - Dr. Robert Barrett:How to Thrive in the Face of Stress When Our Hardwiring Can't Keep up with the Changes in Our Society



Dr. Robert Barrett has spent much of his life studying behaviour, group dynamics, and organizational culture and is the author of the bestselling book Hardwired: How Our Instincts to Be Healthy Are Making Us Sick. His primary focus is on why we do the things we do and the underlying forces that shape our lives. This intriguing theme has taken Robert to some of the world’s most fascinating research and work environments. Dr. Barrett has traveled to rural Nigeria to interview recruiters and leaders of death squads on how they indoctrinate fighters, he helped build Canada’s first ever Patient Safety Officer program for Canadian hospitals, lectured on intercultural negotiation to NATO officers deploying to Afghanistan, and was lead researcher on a unique program designed to investigate ways to mitigate astronaut crew conflict in space for future Mars missions. Robert’s work on motivation and team dynamics is also supported by 13 years as an elite athlete. Robert has written for the Huffington Post and has appeare