-an Inside Look With Pastor Burt

Sermon: We Are His Body, Part 2 - PODCAST!



Gabcast! -An Inside Look With Pastor Burt #6 - We Are His Body, Part 2 - PODCAST! Second sermon in the on-going series, "Saying 'Yes' To Being His Church," from Sunday, January 22, 2006. This one's called "We Are His Body, Part 2: Embracing Our Part In The Body." Please note that this message is 61 minutes, 31 seconds long.gabcast.com The outline for this sermon has already been published HERE. If anyone wants to subscribe to the podcasts that I am offering (using iTunes or other podcast software), the feed url is http://www.gabcast.com/casts/253/rss/rss.xml TECHIE ISSUES: Dial-up connections may experience delays. Also, I am still investigating the use of other mediums besides gabcast to make these sermons available. (thanks to Mike M. for providing some helpful links). Currently, I am trying to utilize feedburner to create podcasts directly from this web site as well, but for some reason it is not able to transmit my audio files even though it recognizes them. I'm not sure, but I think it was to d