Weekend Variety Wireless With Graeme Hill On Radiolive

Weekend Variety Wireless - Hour 1 - 06/10/18



'Someones given Octopuses some ecstasy. Did they go downtown to a rave?' Auckland University Philosopher of Science Professor, Emily Parke joins Graeme Hill to answer his questions and give the latest in science news. Octopuses are incredibly intelligent creatures. In fact, Graeme gives them good chances of running Weekend Variety Wireless in the future. They like to live solitarily. So what happens when you give them MDMA? A recent study displays some very uncharacteristic behaviour of the touchy, feely kind. Also, discovery of weird deep sea critters and BPA-free plastics just as harmful as BPA stuff? Also, Astronomer Dr Grant Christie joins RadioLIVE's Graeme Hill to reflect on the latest in astronomy news and outer-space photography. MASCOT has landed on asteroid Ryugu. Here is a close-up. Also, what happens when two supermassive black holes merge? Plus, an exceptional image of the Sun in solar eclipse taken by winner of the 2018 New Zealand Astrophotography Competition, Aucklander, Kenric Ma.