Weekend Variety Wireless With Graeme Hill On Radiolive

Weekend Variety Wireless - Hour 2 - 23/09/18



This hour, Skeptic Siouxsie Wiles joins Ryan Bradley in for RadioLIVE's Graeme Hill to expose this weeks woos and scams. First up Siouxsie and Ryan take a look at some Crowdfunding quackery. The BMJ have just published a report on the amounts of money being crowd funded by people in the UK for cancer treatments. There are worries that huge sums of money are being raised for treatments that are not backed by evidence and which, in some cases, may even do patients harm. Then Siouxsie gives us a look at what she has coined grief vampires. The family of a Northland woman who has been missing since February have been contacted by a psychic who says she has information on what happened. The psychic apparently claims the woman was picked up in a white, double-cab, flat-deck truck and taken somewhere way up north with a red barn where she was punched in the head, had her jaw broken, stabbed under the left rib, raped and killed, and her body dumped there. The psychic has apparently even given a description of the perp