Weekend Variety Wireless With Graeme Hill On Radiolive

Weekend Variety Wireless - Hour 2 - 02/09/18



First up, Mark Honeychurch of New Zealand Skeptics joins RadioLIVE's Graeme Hill to expose the weeks woo and scams. He did a lot of field work this week. Kandallah School in Wellington seems very keen on allowing evangelists in to preach their Christian dogma. Mark turned up at the school to advocate for secular education and copped some flak. Mark attended an Allergy Expo and sampled some of the remedies on offer, including wacky magnet stuff, some kinesiology woo and life improvement courses aligned with Scientology. Youll hear the price-tags in the audio and you should be sitting down He also chips in about the horrendous Catholic child rape and subsequent cover-up . Then - the world famous NZ theatre group Indian Ink are touring a new spectacular. The new piece takes place following the events of the classic Krishnans Dairy. Krishnans Dairy follows the events surrounding the death of dairy owner Gobi Krishnan, and the way in which his wife Zina deals with his passing. Thats where the unexpected happensT