Weekend Variety Wireless With Graeme Hill On Radiolive

Weekend Variety Wireless - Hour 2 - 29/07/18



Siouxsie Wiles joins Graeme Hill, to expose hoaxes, woo and scams for what they arent. First up, which hand do politicians wipe their bums with? Graeme and Siouxsie take a look at a recent study regarding whether or not they wipe with the same hand as their side of allegiance. Then Siouxsie takes a look at the newest supplement to hit the market Deer Velvet. The capsules come in packs of 100 and market at $50 a packet. The company marketing the product source their product from south island deer farmers. Deer velvet is effectively deer antlers that have been taken prior to calcification. However there have been claims that the supplement can treat anything from Arthritis to sexual dysfunction. Its also meant to help support the bodies ability to deal with stress. Why dont women get any sex drugs? Finally Siouxsie takes a look at the new crazes surrounding female sexual dysfunction. First she explores hypo-sexual desire disorder, which is the latest supposed discovery in female sexual dysfunction. Siouxsie