Weekend Variety Wireless With Graeme Hill On Radiolive

Weekend Variety Wireless - Hour 2 - 17/6/18



A baby sadly recently died in the United States after her parents refused to give her a routine vitamin K shot upon birth. Siouxsie Wiles joins Mike Puru to expose hoaxes, woo and scams for what they arent. Babys when born, dont have enough vitamin K to prevent severe bleeding in the brain or intestines. Siouxsie emphasises the importance of the vaccination. Also, the Kombucha conversation is continued. The FIFA world cup has brought about psychic pets oncemore! Matt Parker has started a project where you can register your pet to predict the world cup results. Plus, the two discuss Shawn Rice, one of the most prolific debunkers of online hoaxes, being baited. Also, Mike Puru is joined by John Dybvig for Letter from America, to share the latest news of the week from the United States. Earlier in the week, the summit took place. Dybvig believes it to be a huge public relations stunt in attempts to win a Nobel peace Prize in the footsteps of former United States president Barack Obama. Nothing was sign