Weekend Variety Wireless With Graeme Hill On Radiolive

Weekend Variety Wireless - Hour 3 - 26/05/18



Ipsos Research Director, Jonathan Dodd joins Graeme Hill to discuss the current world of human statistics, polls and surveys. In light of Israel Folau’s recent anti-gay remarks, Australians were asked ‘Do you believe sporting organisations have a major or minor role to play in promoting awareness of and behaviour change relating to social issues?’ Commodified figures like Israel may not ask to be role models but become them regardless given their stance in the public sphere. 78% said that yes, they have a role to play in awareness. There is no change in opinion across age and gender within the results. Across the board there is the belief are standards to promote and uphold. Also, the ‘use it or lose it’ tendency. Skills deteriorate with underuse, Mr Dodds explains. ‘The more you need something, the more you use it and the more you get better at it…’ He discusses the conscious relationship we can have with this behaviour for added confidence and skill. Lastly, the fashion company World’s recent mislab