Kinsella On Liberty

KOL206 | Tom Woods Show: Five Mistakes Libertarians Make



Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 206. [Transcript below] I discussed various libertarian with Tom Woods on his show today, Episode 592. From Tom's show notes: Stephan Kinsella joins me to discuss negative/positive rights and obligations, “loser pays,” whether creation makes you an owner, how we can consider spam aggression, and more. Fun! Background materials for topics discussed: Spam: Why Spam is Trespass (Jan. 18, 2010) Kinsella & Tinsley, Causation and Aggression Positive rights and libertarianism: How We Come To Own Ourselves Objectivists on Positive Parental Obligations and Abortion Loser pays unlibertarian: See "Losing Patentee Pays" section of Reducing the Cost of IP Law Creation not a source of ownership: Hoppe on Property Rights in Physical Integrity vs Value Intellectual Freedom and Learning Versus Patent and Copyright “Locke on IP; Mises, Rothbard, and Rand on Creation, Production, and ‘Rearranging’,” Mises Economics Blog (Sep. 29, 2010) [updated C4SIF vers