Kinsella On Liberty

KOL229 | Ernie Hancock Show: IP Debate with Alan Korwin



Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 229. This is my appearance on the Ernie Hancock "Declare your Independence" show for Nov. 3, hours 2 and 3. There is a "debate"—more of a discussion really—with libertarian-ish gun-rights author Alan Korwin in the first segment. Some of Ernie's shownotes are pasted below, plus the Vimeo video versions of hours 2 and 3 are embedded below.       11-03-17 -- Roy Robin - Stephan Kinsella - Alan Korwin -- (VIDEO MP3 LOADED) Roy Robin (Founder ICO Token Fund) talks about their decentralized investment platform - Stephan Kinsella (Intellectual Property Attorney) and Alan Korwin (Author; GunLaws.Com) discuss intellectual property and copyright issuesProgram Date:  Friday, November 3, 2017 Hour 1:  Media Type: Audio   •  Time: 48:48 Mins and Secs Hour 2:  Media Type: Audio   •  Time: 136:0 Mins and Secs Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio Host: Ernest Hancock Email: Website: Declare Your