Kinsella On Liberty

KOL237 | Intellectual Nonsense: Fallacious Arguments for IP—Part 2 (Libertopia 2012)



Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 237. At Libertopia 2012, I delivered a 45-minute talk , "Intellectual Nonsense: Fallacious Arguments for IP," the slides for which are below. I spoke for 45 minutes—well, 40, then the last 5 were taken up by a question from J. Neil Schulman—but only covered the first 25 slides. For more details, see Part 1, at KOL236 | Intellectual Nonsense: Fallacious Arguments for IP (Libertopia 2012). Youtube, Slides, and Transcript below. This podcast is Part 2, covering most of the remaining 41 issues, some of which are noted below. ❧ Topics discussed: IP by Contract It’s in the Constitution! Utilitarian arguments for IP Commerce Dept. Study Prize system Venture Capital/startup funding Questions as Arguments You want something for free! IP abolitionists are not successful creators But you’re a patent lawyer… Okay, I’ll take your stuff and sell it! The plague of plagiarism No innovation without IP Tabarrok: Patent Policy on the Back of a Napk