Kinsella On Liberty

KOL281 | Death to Tyrants Podcast: Against Intellectual Property (Buck Johnson)



Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 281. This is my appearance on the Death to Tyrants Podcast, Episode 90: Against Intellectual Property, with Stephan Kinsella (Facebook post), released Feb. 3, 2020, with host Buck Johnson. (I was previously a guest back in 2018--see KOL252 | Death to Tyrants Podcast: Human Rights, Property Rights and Copyright.) From the Shownotes: This week, I feature my interview with Stephan Kinsella, the foremost expert on the topic of "intellectual property". Can you own an idea? How about a word? A pattern of words? How about a color? Stephan Kinsella is here to explain why intellectual property is illegitimate. This episode will cause you to think seriously about the topic. Give it a listen. I think you'll enjoy it!