Kinsella On Liberty

KOL284 | Talking IP and Patent Policy with Patent Attorney Russ Krajec



Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 284. This is my discussion about patent and IP policy with a fellow patent attorney, Russ Krajec, who produces the "Patent Myth Podcast". I tried to persuade him patents are evil, or at least, understand why he doesn't agree. Related resources: KOL209 | Trying to Persuade a Patent Lawyer that IP Law is Evil KOL 051 | Discussion with a Fellow Patent Attorney Are anti-IP patent attorneys hypocrites? (April 22, 2011) Is It So Crazy For A Patent Attorney To Think Patents Harm Innovation? (Oct. 1, 2009) Patent Lawyers Who Don’t Toe the Line Should Be Punished! (Sep. 29, 2009) The Most Libertarian Patent Work (July 14, 2009) An Anti-Patent Patent Attorney? Oh my Gawd (July 12, 2009) Patent Lawyers Who Oppose Patent Law Pro-IP “Anarchists” and anti-IP Patent Attorneys