Kinsella On Liberty

KOL305 | Disenthrall: Libertarian Law Debate on Social Media Bans with Kinsella Knight and Smith



Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 305. I appeared today on the Youtube channel, host Patrick Smith, along with Keith Knight. We discussed whether social media bans and censorship is a breach of contract, and related issues. Related material: A Libertarian Theory of Contract: Title Transfer, Binding Promises, and Inalienability, Journal of Libertarian Studies 17, no. 2 (Spring 2003): 11-37 The Libertarian View on Fine Print, Shrinkwrap, Clickwrap (May 8, 2009) The “If you own something, that implies that you can sell it; if you sell something, that implies you must own it first” Fallacies, (June 2, 2018) Rothbard on the “Original Sin” in Land Titles: 1969 vs. 1974 (Nov. 5, 2014)