Kinsella On Liberty

KOL324 | Wake Up Podcast Ep 37 with Aleks Svetski: AnCaps, Libertarians, IP & Bitcoin



Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 324. I was on Aleks Svetski's show Wake Up, Ep. 37. Youtube: From his shownotes: Stephan Kinsella is a Patent Attorney in Texas, Austrian AnCap philosopher, writer & hands down one of the smarter & most well-read people I've ever spoken to. In this ep, we discuss: - SK's Journey on Why or how he become a libertarian - Where Austrian Econ fit in? - A little about Bitcoin coming on the radar, and "fixing this". We discuss consistency of thought, principles and ideas. A little on Patent Law & Private property, although we'll probably do an Ep 2 in this. We explore: - Rand's critique on Anarchy - Rand's support of IP The difference between ownership & possession - Is Ownership is that which you can protect? - How do you prove initial possession? - How do you enforce ownership? Are the rules & norms of a community or city a sort of constitution? How do these rules scale across populations? How do you synchronise those larger scale ideas with societies that