She's Making An Impact's Podcast

How She Built a 7 Figure AND 6 Figure Business WITH 4 Kids (with Jessie Harris Bouton): Episode 138



Jessie Harris Bouton - wife and mom of 4 (almost 5), a 17 year entrepreneur both on and offline, a certified life and business growth strategist, author, speaker, and former professional 300+mph race car driver. After retiring from drag racing as the world’s winningest driver in the history of the Jet Dragster division in both the male and female categories, a major career and life change left her lost, depressed and wanting more. Intentional living techniques saved my life, her marriage, motherhood, health, and grew her businesses exponentially as she found purpose in her experiences. She has now made it her mission to help others create more meaning, money and freedom in their life by growing their purpose-driven business on their terms!