She's Making An Impact's Podcast

Mastering Your Mindset (with Barbara Majeski): Episode 241



On this episode, I have on special guest Barbara Majeski, Curator of the Good Life, sharing and exploring what it really means to live with purpose, style and adventure! Barbara Majeski is a mom, on-air television personality, a cancer survivor and a passionate philanthropy advocate. In 2015 she was recognized with a global humanitarian award from Operation Smile after mobilizing hundreds of people to fundraise. Six months later she was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer and would captain this treacherous voyage with her three young children in tow.  After a year long battle she emerged with an infused sense of purpose and zest for life. Today she is launching a global lifestyle initiative as the, "Curator of the Good Life", a three dimensional endeavor dedicated to inspiring people to live with purpose, style and adventure. We're talking all things mindset on this episode, enjoy!