Psychedelic Salon

Podcast 167 – “Evolution of Intelligence”



Guest speaker: Dr. Timothy Leary PROGRAM NOTES: [NOTE: All quotations below are by Dr. Timothy Leary.] "The evolution of intelligence: Now this is a very interesting idea. It means that the way not just to survive but to evolve is to get smarter. "I think it’s time to dust off the word pagan again. The word pagan seems to mean one who loves life. A pagan is someone who loves humanity and would never dream of oppressing humanity with Original Sins and other life sentences, which distract from self-esteem and courage and self-confidence." "We were not descended from chimpanzees or apes, we are teenage, juvenile chimps or apes that didn’t grow up and develop tails and swing around in trees. . . . In many aspects, the human species is an immature species. We haven’t committed ourselves to a final form, and therein, perhaps, lies our great usefulness to the DNA code and the biological wisdom." "If you want to increase your intelligence, if you want to evolve, and grow, and go through the changes, the many c