Feng Shui & Livsstilspodden

What to do when your things breaks



Have you ever thought about your reaction when some of your things breaks? I have and I have also realized that my reactions and feelings have changed over time. Yesterday, two of my cups in the kitchen fell to the floor and I was fully aware of how my mindset has shifted. In the last episode I told you about The Simplicity lifestyle membership . - The membership and community for all women who want to add simplicity into their lives and make a change. Maybe you have already started to simplify your home and life, but need some kind coaching or if you are a totally beginner my membership is for you. We´re going to declutter together in the monthly workshops and you´ll be well coached in the monthly masterclasses about simplicity, feng shui and holistic mindset. It going to be amazing! Everything takes much more time than we think and for now there are some small changes I have to do for the preparation for the membership, but you are most welcome to sign up for the waiting list here at my website: www.ylvam