Selling The Couch With Melvin Varghese, Ph.d. | Weekly Conversations To Build And Grow Your Counseling Private Practice

222: Transition From Clinical Work To Online Courses And Challenges Of Course Creation with Miranda Palmer



Many clinicians think about creating online courses, and some may even feel pressured to take this step. Online courses are sometimes portrayed as the “golden egg” for clinicians and the pinnacle of achievement. While this is certainly a product with much potential, the key is in balancing online courses with the other aspects of your practice while making sure you are motivated by the right reasons. Learn more in today’s show! Miranda Palmer is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist from She’s a good friend who is very knowledgeable about the transition from clinical work to online courses. Miranda has helped develop three online courses, so we are having an honest conversation about the good, the bad, and the ugly of online courses. It’s easy to get sucked into feeling obligated to create online courses, but there are unique challenges to be faced. We’ll also get Miranda’s perspective on the hazards and roadblocks inherent in this transition.   Support t