Living Life With Lynda Show

Spiritual Lessons from Multiple Sclerosis - Molly Edelstein from Person Growth Design - Episode 148



Part 1: In this episode, I talk with Molly Edelstein, founder of Personal Growth Design.  Multiple Sclerosis has been a part of Molly’s life since she was very young, from her father's diagnosis  when she was 6 and then her own diagnosis at 20.  The spiritual lessons she has learned from MS have changed her life, brought her freedom and joy, and has now led her to  provide coaching and education.  She comes to this work with a background as a homeopath, business professional and lifelong spiritual seeker and loves to help women fully embrace and leverage their ME-ness. Part 2: Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda shares an email from Dr. Robert Anthony titled, "Becoming More Powerful by the Minute"