Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode Ninety Four



This week we are covering giving birth and the dynamics involved. First chart is me on inside, my son on outside. His Ascendant is exactly conjunct my Sun in Pisces. His Moon is in my 5th. A very emotional time (nice emotions!) Second chart is my mother giving birth to me. Nothing special with 5 house. Dynamic didn't happen until I gave birth and again much later when my Mum was very old. Moon in same sign.   My Mum and first born my brother. No 5th house birth dynamic, other than Neptune (drugs). A bigger story with 7th house Bruv's Moon.   My Dad and first born my brother. Bruv's Moon to Dad's Sun conjunction and Bruv's Moon also conjuncts Dad's Ascendant. Both charts are Bucket charts. Bruv's Mercury to Dad's Moon/Saturn/Jupiter in 10th.