Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 122



This week I am discussing the core of my professional business: relationships. We have three wonderful volunteers who have offered to share their charts, which I am eternally grateful for. So you can learn about their charts and the problems/issues that they're working through. Here is discounted the link to my book The Astrology of Lovers, How Astrology Can Help You Love Better First we have Gina's natal chart with the transits for the day she came to see me. Jupiter transiting the 7th house of relationships. Mars in Gemini transiting natal Moon in Gemini in 12th house. Lots of planets transiting the 10th house of career.   Here is her (ex) chap's chart and transits. Sun/Venus in 12th. Planets transiting the 5th house of romance and 7th house of relationships...maybe he needs this relationship to end so he can find 'The One'? Gina and her (ex) chap's Synastry   Laura's natal chart~ Moon conjunct Pluto.   Laura's chap natal~stellium in the first!   Their Synastry- note th