Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 133



Bit of a hippy episode this week (might be bcoz I've just got back from Glastonbury Festival) It was sparked by this article which I read while I was researching for my Newsletter This is my Newsletter article, it's all about Feeling Overwhelmed If you're learning Astrology and also other practices such as Yoga or Transcendental Meditation, you'll need to check your chart and find out where Neptune is in your chart, where it's transiting now and if Pluto might be aspecting your natal Neptune....something will be going on, so check it out! Here is Gwyneth's chart; Pisces Asc, Sun Libra (conjunct Pluto)  Moon Gemini, Locomotive chart shape. She was taught T.M by David Lynch see article and charts below... So, she  'got into' TM in 2013 and as you'll see Neptune is now exactly conjunct her Ascendant! (and squar